Final stats

Yes, we completed the Common Man Tour - 300 miles of history at the Rogers Island Visitors Center in Fort Edward on September 21st, 2007. An all-new Powerpoint program about what we found on our trip was very well received by another packed house. Thanks to all who supported us on this wonderful adventure.
We thought you might enjoy some stats about the tour overall:
We conducted at least 8 formal programs on the French and Indian War - The Basics, to more than 250 attendees.
We conducted dozens of one-on-one discussions with groups or individuals all along our travels.
We passed through 10 canalway locks, and traveled on two major rivers, two lakes and several bays and tributaries in our travels.
And it was made possible only through the work and generosity of more than 50 support people. Altogether they logged more than 5000 miles on their vehicles during the tour.
What's next? Keep posted as we decide in the next couple of weeks.
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