The Finale

Okay, those of you who have been following this Blog know that we have explored the Hudson River, the Champlain Canal, Lake Champlain, Lake George, the St. Lawrence River, South Bay and the LaChute River over the past three months. So what did we find; and even better, What did we learn over our trek of nearly 300 miles of history?
Find out at our final scheduled presentation this Friday night, September 21st. A brand new Powerpoint presentation will document our travels, interspersed by personal accounts of the events and people we encountered along the way.
Please join us at the Rogers Island Visitors Center in Fort Edward, NY at 7 pm on Friday night, September 21st, 2007.
Thanks for tuning in and we hope to see you at Rogers Island.
Photo above by Ann West at the Siege of Fort William Henry on September 15th,2007.
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