Thursday, July 5, 2007

It doesn't get any more American!

The Common Man, a young lady dressed in period costume and the American Flag! It just doesn't get any better than this.
It was standing room only at the Rogers Island Visitors Center in Fort Edward, NY last night as more than 50 people attended our first full presentation. Included among those was this young lady who was there with her father to learn about the French and Indian War - The Basics. We had great fun, and we all learned a little bit of history.
We'll be back at Rogers Island on September 21st to tell everyone what we have found on our 300 mile trek over the summer. Hope to see you all back there at that time.
In the meantime, the Tour must go on. We'll be dodging afternoon thunderstorms as we head out for Fort Ann later today.
Life is good!


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