300 Miles of History - Current updates
Weather, winds and waves have hampered our exploration of Lake George by water for several days. So we've taken to the land to explore our 1750's era history.
1. The hazy picture above is a view from Pilot Knob Ridge. It overlooks the South Basin of Lake George. In the 1750's French scouts would have been able to monitor British activity from this vantage point. So we climbed up it about a mile, and 600 feet of elevation, to see what the French might have seen. It overlooks Assembly Point where the British would organize men, boats and cannons to travel north to attack French positions. From this vantage point it would have been easy to determine if there were 500 men, 5000, or the 15,000 that eventually headed up the Lake to attack Fort Ticonderoga. It was hot, hazy and raining, but we still got a great sense of history from this vantage point.
2. With the help of Eileen Hannay from the Rogers Island Visitors Center, we're on the track of the whaleboats that mysteriously appeared on Lake Champlain and took 8 French prisoners. That was a Roger's Rangers expedition. The boats came up from Albany, were transported to Lake George and were rowed or sailed up Lake George to Hulett's Landing. Then they were carried 6 miles over the mountain and put into Lake Champlain for the raids on French positions. (If any of you are interested in helping me carry my 125 pound Gheenoe over the same 6 mile trek over the mountain to simulate what they did with 5 whaleboats, call me. I will immediately transfer your call to the nearest insane asylum where you can admit yourself.) LOL
3. And lastly, i told you Raised by Wolves (Patsy Sweet) was tough and adventurous enough to travel a few miles on this trip. Well she is back in the mountains now, but we just got a note from her. It reads as follows: "Last couple of days have been interesting. It concerns a large blackberry bush and a 450 lb bear. The trick is to get to the blackberry bush in the early evening, before the bear gets there in order to get the berries that have ripened that day. So far he has torn apart a large portion of the bush and torn limbs off of an apple tree nearby. The owner of the blackberry bush won't go near it."
But, of course, RBW is eating blackberries every night! And you thought YOUR trip to the grocery store was interesting.
That's my update on our trip. Tell all your friends and have them buy lots of our hiking and biking and canoeing/kayaking books through www.RogerFulton.com
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